Insect Infestation Treatment

Here at BCP Damp Proofing specialists we offer a treatment service and a free no obligation inspection service to determine actions necessary in order to treat infested wood. Woodworm also known as the common furniture beetle infects dead timbers outdoors but can also infest indoor timbers. This includes structural timbers, wooden furniture and ornaments.

Treating Woodworm

In order to treat woodworm a qualified surveyor must inspect the damage caused by the infestation and determine a course of action to be taken in order to treat the infested wood. Risks and hazards will be considered before any treatment can take place. This is why it is so important to hire a specialist in woodworm and insect infestation treatment to review the wood that has been damaged. Common treatments include the use of heat, freezing and even gas fumigation e.g. for infested furniture

Insecticides are commonly used to treat the timber and can be brushed on or sprayed. If you suspect you may have woodworm contact BCP Damp Proofing for our specialist wood worm infestation treatment service.

There are also a variety of different wood destroying insects such as the Death Watch Beetle and House Longhorn Beetle, in order to seek treatment speak to one of our specialists today.

Contact BCP Damp Proofing for Insect Treatment Services

Get in touch with BCP Damp Proofing for insect infestation treatments – you can call us on 01202 879149 or use our online contact form.