Dry Rot Treatment Services

Dry rot also known as Serpula lacrymans develops on the surface of timber that is infected. In order to get your dry rot treated effectively it is important to get in touch upon the first signs of infection. If you are not sure if you have dry rot our team at BCP Damp Proofing can do a diagnostic inspection and talk you through the treatment options you have to you. Dry rot and wet rot require different treatments so it is important to get a correct diagnosis on the onset before treatment occurs.

How do I Treat Dry Rot?

A dry rot specialist will take out a diagnostic inspection to determine the necessary treatment for the infection. It is important that a specialist treats dry rot to give it the best chance of restoring it to its former glory.

Get in Touch for Dry Rot Treatment Services

BCP Damp Proofing specialists have over 25 years in the industry. Our team of specialists can provide you with an inspection, actions for the treatment and doing the treatment as well. Get in touch with BCP Damp Proofing on 01202 879149 or alternatively you can use our online form.