Condensation & Mould Control

Don’t let condensation develop in your home – our team of specialists can help diagnose your issue and develop a plan of action to tackle the suspected condensation in your home. If left untreated – stains and decay can occur in your property.

How Does Condensation Develop?

Condensation is formed from water in the air – the air can be particularly humid due to cooking, airing out clothes and even breathing. When this air then touches a cold surface condensation can form. Intermittent cooling down and heating up of a property can also add to the risk of condensation occurring or heightens the already occurring problem.

What is the Dew Point?

The dew point is when water in the air changes to a liquid form.

Common Areas for Condensation

The areas you commonly find condensation within the home are walls in bathrooms and kitchens. You can also find condensation on external walls and on un-insulated flooring.

Issues Caused by Condensation

It is common to get stains, discolouration and decay in areas that have experienced condensation. You are also able to contract interstitial condensation which visually can be incorrectly diagnosed as damp. This is why contacting a specialist is beneficial and here at BCP damp proofing our specialist team have over 25 years of experience.

Contact BCP Damp Proofing for Condensation Control

There are many different ways you can get your condensation issue under control. Our team of specialists can help diagnose the issue and come up with an appropriate plan of action to tackle your condensation problem. To get in touch with BCP Damp Proofing you can call us on 01202 879149 or fill out our online form.